Saturday, December 4, 2010

yes it has been a long time...there are reasons for this I apologize!

this is a short apology for not updating and I promise to do so soon....

I warn you though...

it will be several chapters of averted mayham and murder accounts

I started this blog so that friends and family could keep up with what was happening in our 

lives and for others who are interested in what it takes some to make the move to Alaska.

Now I am a person who would believes and lives by:

never do to others what you do not want done to you

that being said 

I would never intentionally hurt someones feeling, post something that would divulge any

information that could be used against some one or such

From day one I have been being told...don't post this, take that off, please don't mention this or that...

Well...I've had it....this blog I created for me...

for what I and Dan are personally going through with this preparation for the move and the move itself..

and as of right now....I've had it with all the depressed, paranoid,  fearful people who want to control what I post ...sooo...

Piss off all of you...

they say that building a house together can cause enough stress that couples split up

well so can a move of this magnitude as far as I can see...

don't get me wrong...we will work thru it

alot has happened since I last posted

things that have stopped me dead in my tracks....

more later and no sorry no photos with this rant! sorry!

1 comment:

  1. Blue.........I also started my blog to stay in touch with friends and family. Somewhere along the line I realized though, that writing down my experiences in my blog as I searched for a new life in Alaska, had become a way to decompress and make sense of all the changes.

    The people who are pressuring you are grown ups and will get over it. Or not. In the end it doesn't matter.

    This is your blog, your move and your life. Write whatever you want for whatever reasons you want.
