Tuesday, July 19, 2011

long drive from Wasilla to Homer yesterday!

I spent 12 hours driving and stopping to explore places yesterday!
the day before though I took a drive up to Talkeetna
fabulous little town...great artisans works to be seen
so this is a combination of the two days of travel

click on photo's to enlarge and feel free to click on the image off to the right
side of this posting to see all photo's of this adventure in Alaska


this woman has fabulous tiles of photographs that can be grouted and put on walls or floors
the aurora borealis photo tiles are glow in the dark

30 mile drive on way out Petersville Rd ....stress tested 'lil blue and
had to do some stratigic driving in a lot of places....passed a just cleared rock slide
and decided that 2 more miles to the private gold mine was not worth it as
see Danali was not going to be possible due to the cloud cover

when I awoke it was raining, foggy and crappy weather in general
I was so hoping that Turnagain Arm was not fogged in as the road
follows along Cook Inlet for miles with only a metal guardrail between
car and water!
Luckly as I entered into Anchorage I could see clear sky's ahead
so I decided to go back to Portage Glacier and a few other
places that I had explored last year.

downtown Anchorage and these I just held the camera up and shot photo's!
too much traffic really even for that

Turnagain Arm...

Sawyer Glacier in Portage Glacier

took a ride through Skilake Lake Loop Rd looking for critter's
but didn't find any

Bishop's Creek in Nikiski

last evening off of Faith's porch...love how the cloud is perched on top of the tip of the mountain!