Set the alarm for 4:30 a.m. so I could get things done...lots to do! Was on the phone with snooky early this morning! yayyyy!
Don't even want to think about the land crappola as that is what I dealt with all day.
Every day there is this eagle who is trying to snatch the baby ducks or the baby loon.
Today was no exception, the loons sound totally different when protecting their little one.
In turn the ducks head for cover under the brush on the banking's of the lake.
Finally got one shot of him.
Last night we went visiting and heard stories of how the bears trashed the fish camp over in Egegik. Tons of laundry to do, replace windows, wash everything down....I didn't know that bears lick and drool all over everything and that ends up being the texture of fruit roll up very hard to get off of stuff. Plus they pee'd on everything!
Well on the way over to visit, we stopped and checked out Bishops Creek...tons of red salmon running up, so thick you couldn't see the bottom of the stream!
The sound in the culvert under the road that they were swimming through was unbelievably loud splashing.
Too dim a light to take any good pictures so I went back today.
Just finished feeling out the neighbor who has done encroached improvement of our property. Needed to let the conversation "marinade" in the mind a bit so I went and watched the salmon running for an hour or so.....dang the misquotes were bad! Left eye is about swollen shut and itches for being bit! Reminder: take netting hat next trip.
See the blueish white each picture that is a salmon coming up stream, click or double click on pictures to enlarge.
they finally make it into calmer water on the other side of the culvert
An of course momma moose and baby
Will go back and take more of the salmon as it is such a spectacular sight to see.
Hoping to see some bears.
The people we visited have been in Alaska since 1948 an living in this spot way, way, way, out past the Crick of salmon.
They see grizzly, brown bears and eagle feeding out of this crick all the time they tell me most every day!
Just gotta be there.... soooo one day soon I'll take "V" with me loaded with Backpacker specials and hike out a bit up the crick and set up the tripod/camera.
There are usually some "fishermen" up the crick too. The two legged kind.
Well it's late here so off I go.
Hope the loons sing tonight. Some nights they do but not often. Usually every morning I wake to the loons talking with each other.
Beautiful music to my soul!