Monday, February 14, 2011

OMG! has it been this long since updating???

Oh my! Time flies when your having fun....
not sure if it has been fun or not yet
We have managed to finish all the renovations in the house!
The house went on the market Feb 4!
A last minute decision to renovate the second bathroom set the time frame back for us
I am glad we did that renovation
I will post photos of the renovations at the end of this blog

I have managed to get out an photograph despite several nasty snowstorms
figures the year we want to sell the house is the worst winter in quite a few years. 
 We have been snow plow jocks quite a bit lately and the snow banks are very high
next step if we get more snow is to use a bucket tractor/loader

 In 32 yrs we never checked how much mileage we plowed each storm
so we checked with the trip meter
a light storm of 10-12 inches is about 4.3 miles!

love looking at iced trees but not the damage it does to them
our back yard about a week and a half ago

Snow flurries yesterday so we headed up to Summerset VT
this is a national forest area owned by the Electric Co
we could not go all the way into the lake area as we did not take the Jeep

 Wind turbines on Searsburg Mt. VT

 Even in the surrounding areas here it is very very sparsely populated partly due to the fact that this area also housed not long ago a Nuclear Power Plant

 I spotted this fellow just off the road

Hoosic Tunnel...a snowmobiler was hit by a train on the other side of this long thru the mountain tunnel...he lived but what a time getting him out...
no place to land a helicopter
the train that hit him had to back out, pick up rescuers and take them out to the injured sledder...he's hurt bad but will live.

the tressel just on the other side of the tunnel and road

long way down to the river
an it is a Federal offense in this state to walk the tracks or photograph trains
due to the nuclear power plants in the area 
what the trains transport
I am surprised I have not been arrested for trespassing! hahaha

Lots of ice formations on these mountains
just beautiful

the color blue reminds me of the Alaskan glacier ice so much

We spent the whole day riding through many tiny towns
many have dates on the few houses and places dating back to the 1700's

this is Zoar Gap and one set of rapids
this place has become a meca for white water rafters/kayakers
an yes they shoot the rapids in the winter! 
saw several vehicles with white water kayaks but no one in the river to photograph

Just had to take the pictures of the Indian statue buried up to his chin in snow!
I was going to crop it and tell you he was 7 feet tall but decided not to!

An for the second time in 2 weeks we got to see the deer herd
there are about 10 deer all together and this is their only open water in 
this area to drink

they are way down in a ravine
the first time we saw them a week ago Dan brought the Jeep to a skidding sideways stop
not that he tried to but it is a mountain road and always has a couple inches of slushy/frozen snow on it
As I got out it spooked the deer but I did mangage a few shots then too.
this time 
we were headed uphill so I got out an walked back so as not to spook the deer.

they still didn't like me being way up on the road taking their picture
the poor things are having a real tough winter with how deep the snow is

This is not far from our home
Waubin Farm fields
the winter snow falls has been so great the several farms have had their barns collapse killing some of the livestock.

Here are the photos of our renovated home
OMG! a friend gave us a photo of the house that was taken a couple years after we bought it..
you talk about a country shack looking house!...
what a difference the way it looks now


Can't wait for someone else to own this home and we are on our way to building a new home in Alaska!