Friday, December 10, 2010

The start of possible impending mayham and murder!

...yes I am okay....

I just hit the proverbial brick wall in total frustration 

with not being able to decompress in some way. 

My blog was suppose to be my alternative to meditation practice, outdoor activity, photography, computer, etc!

Having hubby out of work and home for over a year and under foot has been challenging to say the least! 

he is who he is and has always been....for 33 years....he'd go to work for 8-12 hours a 

day 6 days a week and I handled everything else except for mowing the lawn!

Now I am one who, when things seem overwhelming
deep breathe, set a plan, get organized...

kick into high gear

making this major move after living in the house for 32 years
is a major undertaking

with renovations, sorting and purging of items/stuff

I expected of him to kick into high gear, pitch in 

work as a partner in everything

that needs to be done....

So I returned from Alaska...still wound tight due to some issues that did not sit right with me

these issues still bug me

I have compartmentalize that an will deal with it later

it is best to separate the emotional aspect in order to understand

a situation clearly, unprejudiced

week upon week as I added more and more to my list of things to get done
when I left for Alaska I had left a list of things that hubby needed to deal with

I returned to only one job of many on his list done

yes it was a big job...paint, put finishing corners on the workshop building

For months friends made jokes of his not getting his list done was funny and


given that this summer was unmercifully sweltering hot here 

After many sleepless nights, up painting at 2:30 a.m., 

long long days of non-stop endless tasks

I felt like I was in this alone

I stopped an found a way to decompress somewhat
Thank you Faith!

furious instant messaging and sound questioning and advice...

finally realized why he couldn't accomplish the tasks he needs to deal with as he was/is 

totally overwhelmed and couldn't/can't get it together....

I need to be at his side and work with him which is not what I wanted to do....two of us

doing different tasks to me gets things done quicker. 

Now that I have come to terms with this

things are back on track and progressing 

without me being totally off the wall in frustration!

mayham and murder adverted!

I did get to go out a shoot with one of my new camera's and that was good
so here are some of the photo's

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