Thursday, July 15, 2010

finally things are happening!

Today the winds were just right and all through Kenai the smell of the ocean was very noticeable! The air smells so clean and crisp. I could stand for hours and look at Cook Inlet. As we are only 3 miles inland from the Inlet many days the smell of the ocean is present.
Well finally things are happening! yayyy! the surveyor showed up, all pins were found and marked. Took 2 days but even the center line in marked. 
The property pins on the abutters are into the cleared land, the tree house and a very small portion of the garage. So that can be dealt with easily enough. The neighbor sounds like he'll be reasonable about things. 
So here are the pictures for hubby to see. I will go back and get better pictures of what is over the line for you hon.
I have tromped the property pin to pin 4 times now through all the brush, machete hacking/slashing about every 2 steps. Taking care not to cut the Mountain Ash growing! A 5th hike around  for running florescent tape to show where the driveway and clearing is to be for the house. Beautiful property! Lots of moose crap and bear scat everywhere!

 The far lake front property pin..hey hon we own further than we thought! Nice area for launching the kayaks!
 Center pin of the two parcels

looking across the lake from the center pin, yes we look at "lil" brothers cabin!

 The lakefront pin next to the neighbor who cleared down to the waterfront.
 Looking up from the road pin at the neighbors garage
 this is how far onto our property the neighbor has cleared, full length of the boundary line, from lake to just behind their garage

 For three days now I have attempted to get to Skilak Lake to take pictures and hopefully see some bears...but each time I get close the cell phone rings and I have to return to Nikiski. 
 These two day I just needed my space...just drive baby drive, listen to the oldies tunes on the radio, unwind and see some more beautiful Alaska views. I didn't stop to take pictures these 2 days as I just needed to be moving. Had hoped to get to areas where I could hike or at least walk around some place new then take pictures but...NOoooo!
I get the wandering feet thing going when I am sitting idle for any length of time here. So much to see and explore.
Two days in a row while driving, I was called back for the surveyor.
Then today I managed to get all the way down the dirt road to Skilak Lake and had turned around at the Sterling Hwy and was about 5 miles back on the Loop road, only to be phoned again. 
I had left a note on a house that was selling a temporary electrical hook up box and wire (brand new). So once more and headed back little over an hour drive to pay for the box an meet my "lil brother with his truck to load it and take it back to his cabin. gosh a pickup would be nice but not practical at this time, especially seeing 'lil brother has one. 'lil Blue is getting mid 20's for gas mileage so that's good. Gotta get it into the garage and have tie rod end checked and the "check engine" light that came on.
I did take some pictures of driving into Skilak Lake area!!!

These are dip nets out in front of a fish and tackle store

Dip Netters on the Kenai River
you can just barely see the mountains in the back ground. It was 64 degrees today and hot!
 The Skilak Loop Road...miles and miles of dirt road, I did see a bear! He stood in the middle of the road but by the time I shifted 'lil Blue into neutral and raised the camera he was going into the bush. Got a fuzzy shot of bear butt...not worthy of posting...bummer. Now if I had my snooky here with me he'd be doing the driving an I just be taking pictures so I would have gotten that shot! Miss you hon and Rosie.

The scenery is just breathtaking...lots of posted and well walked trails, as this is a wildlife preservation area. I did notice that most all of the hikers were packing a weapon! Lots of bear scat in the road so they are plentiful. I do plan on taken "V" (my stainless 44 mag V comp) with me an doing some hiking.

hummm...wonder what these berries are and if these would make good wine??

I have to go back! Still itching to get back to Seward and Homer. I do want to head north towards Anchorage but there is so many motor homes on the road. I still haven't decided if I dare drive the motor home to far...time will tell. 
I did buy a good quality small tent for $7 at a tag sale along with a new sleeping bag for $15!! Score! 
Today 'lil brother and sis-in-law bought me the neatest dish rack for the motor home. They presented me with this white rectangular plastic box and said guess what it clue. As I opened the case the dish rack pops up! Cool item and it fits in the kitchen drawer of the motor home.
Amazing what one finds at garage sales here and inexpensive too!
Tomorrow is WAITING once again for the guy who is to bulldoze the land clearing. 
Of course sitting watching the lake is great for some of the day. Yesterday at some point I heard the Loons yakking up a storm on the far end of the lake. Sure enough there was an eagle flying around down close to the water near their nest. The eagle is still around and I will try to get pictures of him as well but he likes to stay at the far end of the lake.

Dan I took this for you know who!!! you'll have to find out his email and send him the link to see this.