Thursday, April 28, 2011

here we go Realtor

I guess grumbling and grousing on my blog is acceptable
we had been warned
2.) Never do business with friends if you want to remain friends

Being who I am...
1.) I never lump everyone under a blanket assumption
2.) I trust friends until I am wronged by them

As it is, it was a friend of ours wife (Realtor) who wronged us, I won't go into it
and yes everything was in writing but that does not stop them from lying.
This outfit did not want (refused) to spend a cent of advertising 
thought they would just throw it on MLS and collect a hefty
percentage on the sale for doing not much

WRONG we feel we are 3 month behind our goal now due to this foobar
we now have a new Realtor and hope to see results

In the meantime....we have been so busy helping out in a friends
 148 acre fruit orchard and doing many things to pay the few monthly bills 
that we have 
love this barn on the property...the silo's are glazed tile which I have never seen in New England before

One of these days I am going to ask the owner if I can go into the silo area and see whether this vine grew into the barn or out of the barn! 
there are many many vines on the property that hubby has been cutting out as they are climbing up the trees and choking them.

Overlooking the apple orchard
there is a huge blueberry acreage, peach tree and cherry tree orchards
on the property too.
We fertilized acres of blueberry bushes today with Urea pellets by hand!

 Love the bikes leaning against the old apple crates

this is becoming the banquet/function barn for weddings, celebrations etc

One long barn has 4 of these weather vanes on it
someday when they are aligned right by the wind for a photo
I will shoot all them in one shot
Ohhh yes...this is what this years limb pruning of the 1800 apple trees looks like
72+ pick up truck loads and fills about a 2 acre field!
lots of brush moving

 the larger barn is the one with the weather vanes on it but not visible in this photo

Next week I am taking my camera's back as the buds are popping out
the peach trees are about to flower
and I am seeing all kinds of wild flowers in the wetland areas of the orchard farm

We both are enjoying helping out in the orchard.....
what a pleasure and joy it is to be outside everyday in this beautiful setting!

the smells are wonderful....
amazing the difference in just a couple weeks
pungent soil/earthy smells of the winter dead
to the
leaf buds coming out which has changed the air scent

yesterday I noticed flowers smells for the first time
as we walked about cutting trees down and brushing I kept looking for 
where the flower scent was coming from

I did find the flowers and noticed the peach trees are about to flower too
then the torrential rains moved in so I didn't get to take any photos!
next week photo time!