Saturday, June 26, 2010

Awoke to a rainy morning, a nice gentle rain at 3:30 a.m. up at 5 a.m. The loons were quiet this 
morning.... even the Tern was quiet. Kinda eerie silence as I gazed over the lake. Very peaceful 
and soul rejuvenating. It feels "right" like "home."
A great morning for a quiet meditation time. I needed to meditate. 
Yesterday was very stressful and I awoke with my usual mental place that things are not getting 
done and in place quickly enough.....hahaha silly me...I then remind myself that I have only been 
here really 5 days to accomplish things.  That's just me being me and then remind myself that
things get done at a slower pace here in Alaska.
I really wish my "snooky" was here with me to enjoy the beauty of the lake. In 32+ years together
pretty much have done everything major in our lives as a team. This time though he is back 
overseeing the finishing of the kitchen renovation and other projects to be done for the house to 
up for sale this winter. So here I am trying to put everything in place for, hopefully the move come spring. 
 All the things that goes through ones mind with this major of a move in our lives is mind boggling
at times.
After the day from hell in the DMV yesterday...long there at 2:05 and never got out of 
there until 4:20 registering the motor home...under staffed....jumped calling out numbers so I was 
by-passed twice until I finally said something. Reminder to next time go by myself as others have 
little to no patience which just added to the stress of the situation. 
we headed out yard sale touring again this much stuff can you fit in a Ford 
Focus little car??? well I found out...3 people and a whole lotta stuff....'lil brother laughed an said 
we should have taken a picture before unloading the car as it was a sight to see!! he bought a 
bundle of flooring that was sticking out of the trunk. Good thing the seat back folded down from 
the trunk to the interior...small bungees off my camera bag came in handy to hold the trunk 
closed. The flooring was the first purchase and from there we filled the car full....yes I did squeeze a 5 gal can of gas in there to start brush cutting when the weather clears some. We also 
did grocery shopping. 
On the way back one mountain was 
clear for a change...according to 'lil brother it is not often out. So we pulled over and I squeezed 
out of the piles of stuff to take a couple of pictures. Oh I did get a shot of momma moose and 
baby in one of the neighbors yards on our side of the lake yesterday! Wish you were here to see
all this with me Dan!

Momma moose and baby...the "thing" on her neck appears to be shedding hair

I am just now feeling better, jet lag gone and blood sugar under control
again. Not fun having "foggy" brain.
Have been doing lots of running around. L.Brother/wife are big into
garage sales and what deals we have found!! He has been scoffing tools
and I have been searching for items for the motor home and things in
general. The one biggy that he scored on and I had to pay store price
for…a gas grill! As I have invited people for a BBQ get together at the
end of
July a grill is needed, so I bought one. Two days later an ad for a tag
sale said brand new gas grill. He bought the next model up from mine for
$40, brand new, had to be assembled!! Mine’s staying in the box to see
if I can find a deal too! Found a great square deep cooler for $10! Am
finding most everything thing is for sale, just ask.
The undergrowth, plants, and particularly the soil is so different that
cutting down undergrowth with a machete or ax is not possible. I tried!
Power tools are necessary. My big purchase (from a store, no garage
sale deal) was a brush cutter to start cutting trails into the property. I did however get my 10% military discount…..Yayyy! Below are pictures of
the dreaded Devil's Club plant. This plant is about waist high and just
covered with sharp thornes as thin as what we call nettles. Once in your
skin, they itch like heck and fester. Fun and they are everywhere!
Things work a tad different here, message has been relayed to Jessie regarding
hiring him to finding the property pins. …Jessie did the surveying of all the
properties around here years ago. He retired but….is still working full time!
Once the pins are authenticated Joey will push dirt around for me, driveway
and clearing. So hard to see where and how the house should be situated on
the property until it is somewhat cleared. My sense of direction and internal
compass is off up here! Glad I have a good compass with me as I am about 30
degrees off. Which is a lot when your out in the middle of the trees up here!

Loon on Georgine Lake

 Devils Club

Flowering Devils Club