Saturday, July 3, 2010

went wandering to find Halibut

Yes I haven't been on the computer for a couple of days.... I went a wandering..... woke up with feet just a twitch'n to go an do something...spent the day Wed June 30 brush cutting trails into the property....things are so much easier to cut here in Alaska! not like back home with all the hard wood and rocks to watch out for. 
After several hours it started to rain...fortunately the trees covered me enough that I could keep cutting. I finally ran into an area next to the neighbors property where years ago they had pushed trees etc onto our property in the process of clearing theirs....had to stop
I turned around to find my SIL/'lil brother standing there....they decided I had been cutting long enough and needed to be stopped. They were amazed how many hours I had been running the brush cutter.
Later that afternoon Bob called!! yayyy!! Bob, is like a brother to me....he, myself and another girl drove to Alaska together in '81. I was suppose to be gone only 2 weeks on that trip but ended up staying in Alaska for 3 months...I fell in love with Alaska. 
Every time I phoned my husband I would say "sell the house, quit your job and fly up here, I wanna live here" No go on that one. 
So anyway..Bob says...."wanna go fishing?" "YES!! were do I meet you??"  as the feet were just a itch'n to go an do something, the next day off I go to find Whiskey Gulch I headed out early even though Bob, friends and family were not to arrive at Whisky Gulch until 3 to 5 p.m. I went into Homers and shot pictures, wandered around town and went onto the has it changed since 1981!!!
Bob's sister and husband... friends of my husband and I back home in MA are up so they were there. So wonderful to see them.
Great time camping (slept in my little Ford Focus!) and fishing. We were out for 12 hours fishing after staying up most all night...2 hours of sleep on on the boat we went...
I caught 3 chicken Halibut. Looking forward to going out again. It was so beautiful sitting on the water, hum of the engines idling and such a spectacular sight with the fog/cloud shrouding the snow capped mountains across the water. Such a different perspective from the water 12 miles out.
Many eagles on the beach. 
Found my way to Faith's (freezengirl) house, she is a poster on the City Data Alaska forum.....great fun person...look forward to seeing more of her and hopefully her husband when he comes off the slope.
lots more to fill all you in on but got things to do so I will post some pic's from the trip down to Whiskey Gulch and Homer.

the road to Homer

eyeballing me and my camera

Whisky Gulch where we camped, what a steep hill to get down to the beach!

overlooking Homer Spit stopped to phone my sweetie and take pictures..sure wish Dan was sharing this trip with me!
baby eagle

 Old Russian Church with mountains in background

Camp kitchen on Whiskey Gulch 
Heading out to sea for Halibut fishing on Roberts boat, not so sure Dan would have done well on this part of the trip.....last time I had him on a boat which was years ago he didn't fair well...well then again we had drank a case of really fine champagne between 4 of us!! duhhh glad we've grown up from those days of party'n!!
 filleting the Halibut
 Long day of fishing ...12 hours
 Some of the crew had a great beach fire for us upon arrival back
 anyone wishing to see more can go to!/album.php?aid=2068047&id=1419110053

1 comment:

  1. Those are GREAT pictures!! So glad that you are settling in so well, and I know what it feels like to miss the guy. Hopefully he will be with you soon. Glad you have friends and family with you though. Great blog - keep it up.
