Yesterday...awoke to rain, gray skies and antsy...just could not sit around another day doing not much of anything so....road trip!!! I love to drive....I headed out for Seward. As I entered Soldotna I did stop a one shop that was open (most are closed on a Sunday) typical tourist trinkets so I didn't buy anything. I did pull into Fred Myers as my allergies were so bad that the sinus headache was becoming almost unbearable. Grabbed a fruit/cheese cup, piece of chicken, mini loaf of artisan bread and allergy meds and I was on my way.
Most everything was misted and clouded in but I still took pictures.
The way back was clearer but not much. The one road out of Kenai to get to the cross road which takes you to either Anchorage or Seward is a 2 lane road...not some super highway like Rt 91. There is not much in between the tiny hamlets which are a cluster of buildings, houses, and such. Beautiful ride though.
Sure wish my snooky was with me. We have done lots of traveling together and I really missed having him in the seat next to me. I did mutter a Danerism (lot of you will know what that it) I caught myself saying..."it looks like it might clear" then just as when Dan says started raining harder! go figure! hahaha
Noticed quite a few trails posted for hikers...if the weather is a bit better the next time I will stop and hike out one of them....I only had my light rain jacket with me...foolish me...I looked at a nice full length rain poncho at a second hand store not once but twice, each time I went in thinking do I really need this, well it's only $4.00 but $4.00 if four dollars! so I SIL/brother keep telling me offer less and they'll take it...maybe today I'll go back an get it. It is big and long enough to cover my camera gear backpack and my legs.
Arriving in Seward there was a big cruise ship moored so the town despite the rain was full of people in all sorts of styles of rain gear. I parked in front of the Seward Aquarium but decided to see if I had cell service as I missed the phone call from my hubby last night (I was out and about). By the time I got into the aquarium I had only 2 1/2 hours before closing...not enough time to see everything so I will go back. Gotta love having those old military discharge papers!! Got a discount on the admission fee! yayyyyy!
The "highway" out of the Kenai
yes there is still snow in the ravines and fairly close to the road as you will see in other pictures

this is what it looked like on the way to Seward about 10:a.m.

Same place on the way back at about 6:30 p.m.
splish-splash a puffin taken a bath!
Cruise ship docked in Seward
Seward main street looking up from the Sea Life Aquarium
Headed out of Seward to Kenai
Fisherman in the Russian River..the color of the river water is the most magnificent adventurin color really doesn't show in this picture but does in the next one
There are not a lot of places to pull over to take pictures anywhere along this trip. Most all the parking areas are filled to the max with RV's and cars/trucks of the fisherman.I pulled over to take this shot and a couple others an sure enough here come the blue/red flashing lights! Crapweasel...real nice guy, as I came around the car with cameras in hand he smiled an said "no problem, long as your not gonna go fishing an leave it there" Nope I said just taken a coupla shots! and off he went and so did I. Note to not park in "no parking" marked areas where fisherman are as there are police everywhere just waiting!!
the beautiful color of the water of the Russian River
the russian river fisherman
the dark object at the bottom of photo is the roof of the car I am driving...just to show you that the snow is quite close
Headed home on the "highway" toward Soldotna
It take about 2 1/2 - 3 hours to drive over to Seward from Nikiski about 125 miles. Great trip! Took lots more pictures and will post them in album on Face Book at some point. Got things to get done today. I realized several times that I was having the usual worrying thoughts about heading home before it got dark! then would remind myself that IT DOESN"T GET DARK here at this time of year...another yayyyyy....I could drive all night long an still see everything! well that is if this old body will hold up to no sleep! ha not likely! so until another day....snooky wish you were here and had done the trip with one to turn to an say...ouhhh ....awhhhh..look at that! People look at ya funny when your talk'n to yourself!
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