Saturday, July 16, 2011

this a work in progress will edit and add more text tomorrow
as I have hiked and walked all day with Ed Nephler
in Hatchers Pass and Archangle Valley today
I am tired! 
we went out to dinner at a brew house here in Wasilla
and I am ready for crib and teddy but I had promised some photo's

A few shots from the other day

from Faiths (freezengirls) deck

The Homer Visitor's Center

 the artwork is by local artist and is fabulous!
the metal art on the door and door handles are made 
by a fellow right out on East End Road


will update tomorrow of course it is already tomorrow back home 
for hubby and friends
on the East Coast!
will put up photo's of Hatcher's Pass and Archangel
time for bed!

1 comment:

  1. What magnificent pictures, thankyou for the insight into your world..
