Thursday, July 8, 2010

It's raining and I'm waiting

Raining since last night...strange though, when it is a heavy sprinkle here you can be outside and don't really get soaked through like at back east. 
So here I sit tied down waiting for a phone call....geeez I hate having to be stuck in the house waiting for a phone call...this is what I got a cell phone for! But noooo, my cell doesn't work down here on the lake. Supposedly the ATT tower is going in at the end of the month...lot of good that does me now! 
So I am a waiting....enjoying the quietness and solitude of the lake. Even with the few houses on the lake, noise is very minimal.
I did go outside an cut points on scrap pieces of wood to use as surveyors is the surveyor that I am waiting for a phone call from. Today or tomorrow he said he'd be doing the property line shooting. I do have to take the motor home to the mechanic at the end of the road here for the carburetor to be put on. I have entertained the idea of doing it myself to save some money but.....I worked on one of our camping vans that had the motor under the dog house between the seats in the cab and really didn't like it. Too crowded and had to twist in awkward positions to do anything.
I figured I'd go back through some photos I took and share a few more with you guys. Sorry you all are die'n of the heat back there. I am still wearing a fleece vest but short has hit 62 for a high so far.
If any of these pictures have been posted before on the blog I apologize.

Down in Homer

Another shot of Homer Spit
Homer Spit from a different point of view

Whiskey Gulch

Out on the water fishing

The clouds where completely covering these mountain for the first 4-5 hours out fishing. The boat had drifted around with the tide and low and behold there were the mountains showing!
I'm itching to get out for a tour in my new beater "'lil blue" car...Seward or Homer sound like a good road trip again...
I spoke to the surveyor to let him know that we have permission to cross the neighbors land to the water edge for shooting the line up from the water. Doesn't sound like he's gonna do it today I might go. Will update this if I find any great photo op's! 
Sure wish Dan was here to go touring with me!'d love the new beater car...we haven't had a beater like this in many many years!! Brings back some good and funny memories.

EDIT: 2 p.m.

Excitement on the lake!! I was sit'n here reading some literature on Homer and Seward, planning my great escape from boredom of the wait for the surveyor. Sister-in-law came running in saying there was a moose swimming across the lake...RUN for the camera, I left it in the front seat of "'lil blue". 
neither the car nor the lake are more than 10 steps either way but that moose was mov'n! got off a couple shots...not the best is the first swimming moose I've seen since arriving. 
The moose definitely knew we were on the shoreline taking pictures as she looked right at us....yup it is a she as the males have their 2x4's starting to stick outta their head about 8 inches so far. I've only seen one male affectionately called "Bullwinkle" by most around here.
An dang it I need to buy that extender Capt Crunch and I have been talk'n about...I love this huge hunk of glass lens he so graciously helped me choose for my first major expensive lens...but....I want to be able to really pull in the subject and a Bigma I don't thinks gonna cut it for clarity of photos but...anyway I cropped/edited and sharpened as I didn't have time for a monopod or tripod for these shots!!

Moosie knows we're on the waterline taking pictures!
just a motor'n along

this photo's not cropped so you can see how far away she is


Go'n to visit "the stair people" 
A few more steps an the moose blended into the shrubbery/trees...poof like magic...gone from sight...amazing how such a large animal can move so silently, swiftly and just blend into the foliage so completely.

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