Sunday, July 11, 2010

Brrrr…cold and extremely windy this morning, the furnace kicked on a couple times and it is set at 50! Lot colder outside than inside….Company (relatives on SIL’s side) came for the weekend, great people, great times and stories. Finally warmed up by 1 p.m.
Update on the property pins: well….Fri. evening the surveyor called to tell me that he shot the line and it fell in the middle of the abutters garage. He has to come back and shoot from the lake side up as the neighbors garage is in the way. (On our property!) Lots of encroachment issues of old trees from the land clearing are on our property and new ones also and the angle of the property line it looks that all but a small corner of his garage is on our property…yikes.
As usual Sat. off to tag sale…small world….in the midst of the conversation about the encroachment issue with the fellow who came to visit …a fellow garage sale man started walking our way. He introduced himself…
Turns out he is the Borough assessor who deals with these issues. Information exchanged and he told me a lot of what my entitlements as a land owner are in this situation. Said he will be seeing me soon after the proper paperwork it filed regarding encroachment. This is a very irritating situation.
Later that evening….lots of talk of what our plans are for work here and how we ended up in Nikiski instead of Homer, seeing hubby will be in marine engine repair…..explained the land price situation…..
He had asked earlier the day before to walk our property and offer his opinion of how to open up the land for building as this is what he does for a living. Suddenly he wants to go over to the property…soooo off I go with him…he asked who brush cut the trails into the property….me of course I said…well after showing me where the driveway should come into the property and where the house should go  he dropped a bomb.
It’s not often someone tells you that they like you for who you are, what you’ve done and what your trying to accomplish, but he did! Then he started talking about different properties he owns in Homer…long story short….I am going down to look at a lot, commercially zoned, 5 min walk from downtown Homer, just shy of 1 acre and a price we could afford.
Phone my snooky at our scheduled time and tell him about the offer.
What a mind reeling turn of events that keep happening and  how plans keep changing….I am the flexable one…snook needs convincing that land (hard assets) are better than stock market and invaluable to our future plans.
I have no idea how the cards are going to fall now but am trying my best to keep all the cards from flying everywhere!
Woke up with a wicked headache…yikes…sat around all day waiting for the surveyor as he said he’d call and be over today to finish up…. I had made my usual timed phone call to snooky to discuss more about the land offer, how much of a blessing it is if it works out….then waited some more….well crapweasel I waited until 6 p.m. and said the hell with him.
I took off to find things to photograph. Plus I needed my space…
Stopping at the store I grabbed roasted chicken, a peach and cheese an off I went.
I sat for a long time at the overlook and watched the beautiful mountains as clouds lazily swirled down and around the peak.
I was hoping to see Fata Morgana but no luck. Fata Morgana is the most spectacular mirage you can witness. I waited and waited. It was still a beautiful sight and very relaxing. The mountains were hazy to begin with. You don’t get many crystal clear days for mountain shots here.
The fog below started to climb from the ground. Finally I was calming down from the weekend, stress, offer of land deal, and decided to drive future down onto Kalifornski Rd towards Homer.
Found a fabulous road that followed along the inlet then into an old fish cannery. What a view these homes have that leads to the Old Cannery, I didn’t take any pictures there as there is no shoulder to park on. I will go back on a clear day a backpack my gear to get shots.
Here are the photos from today.
This afternoon sitting looking at the lake...the sun glistened like glittering jewels dancing on the water surface.  

that is a bird fling not a dust speck on my lens
watching to clouds swirls down around the mountain

this is the view from directly behind me from taking this mountain shot

Entering the Old Cannery site...also looks to be a very nice campground with restaruant, gift shop and lots to see...will have to go camping there for a day or two.

this is a close up of the sign in front of the old cannery, you should be able to click on any of these photos to enlarge them

hope to get back here soon to explore as there is alot to see and photograph. Gotta get to Homer first so I can take pictures of properties to share with snooky and see what kinda deal I can work out! Sorry you guys back there are still suffering from the heat...I would have loved it to have been 10 degrees warmer this morning!

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